Dad is now in the rehab unit of the hospital and very busy. His new room has an even better view of Husky stadium and Lake Washington. He only needs a few trees chopped down and he could watch football practice. Here is his schedule:
8 AM Breakfast
9-10 AM Occupational therapy – Work on skills such as getting out of bed and dressing without hurting back, Getting in and out of shower
10-11 AM Speech therapy – Make sure that he has regained full use of his memory. He seems to be doing very well with this.
11-12 PM Physical therapy – Work on skills such as walking with and without a walker. Maintaining good posture when standing and sitting, Getting up from various chair heights, Climbing stairs
12 PM Lunch
1:30-2 PM Physical therapy – More of the same
2-3 PM Exercise class – Group class working on arm and leg strength
3-3:30 Occupational therapy – More of the same
Career counselors are meeting with Dad to discuss what he needs to work on to get back to work. He said he hadn’t checked email for two weeks so they brought him a laptop right away and hooked him up to the Internet. It may take him another two weeks to get rid of all the spam. He also has a steady stream of doctors visiting him.
Dad had visits from cousins Phyllis (Sweetie) and Ray Lathrop, Jan Wicks, and Milo and Lois Wicks. All were impressed by how well he is doing. Cynthia heads back to Kansas City tomorrow. She has stayed away from the hospital for a couple of days as she might have strep throat. She’ll get a lab report today letting her know for sure. In the meantime she has been helping Michelle switch bedrooms around so Dad can stay on the main floor.
Dad’s recovery to this point is truly miraculous. We continue to give thanks to God. We are also grateful to you for your prayers and kind words. His collection of get well cards is prominently displayed on his bulletin board letting all hospital workers know that this someone who is deeply loved.