A faculty learning community (FLC) comprised of six professors representing different disciplines was formed in 2011 to study, develop, and teach blended learning courses. As part of this project, we sought to evaluate the efficacy of blended learning on faculty (efficiency, satisfaction) using interview questions designed by Garrison and Vaughan (2011) and students (access, learning […]
Posts in the 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments category:
Blogging to improve student achievement
Workshop at the 2014 NCCE Conference in Seattle Blogging portfolios or bPortfolios will be introduced, including how they can be used to improve student achievement. Participants will learn how to: implement bPortfolios, assess student reflections, scaffold students in reflective writing, particularly with regards to Common Core Standards, and implement learning analytics based on bPortfolio and […]
Blogging to improve student achievement
Workshop at the 2014 NCCE Conference in Seattle Blogging portfolios or bPortfolios will be introduced, including how they can be used to improve student achievement. Participants will learn how to: implement bPortfolios, assess student reflections, scaffold students in reflective writing, particularly with regards to Common Core Standards, and implement learning analytics based on bPortfolio and […]
Synchronous and asynchronous video conferencing tools in an online-course:
The maturation of free ubiquitous video conferencing tools provides an opportunity for faculty members to experiment with alternatives to conventional asynchronous discussion forums commonly used in online courses. However, there continues to be debate about whether synchronous video conferencing has a meaningful role to play in an online course environment. Although the Community of Inquiry […]
Digital Learning Spaces: Lessons from the MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh
Digital Learning Spaces: Lessons from the MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh Jen Ross, University of Edinburgh Monday, April 15 Noon – 1:30 PM Seattle Pacific University Library Seminar Room Register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/digitalspaces Every course design is philosophy and belief in action. This is no less true – indeed it may be truer […]
Implementing Electronic Portfolios Through Social Media Platforms: Steps and Student Perceptions
David W. Denton, Seattle Pacific University David Wicks, Seattle Pacific University Abstract: Over the last two decades, students and teachers, across educational levels and disciplines, have been subject to a variety of school reform efforts. Nevertheless, some instructional practices, such as portfolio assessment, persist and grow in popularity even in the midst of changing educational […]
The SCALE-UP Project: Student-Centered Active Learning Environments with Upside-down Pedagogies
You are invited to attend a presentation by: Robert J. Beichner, Ph.D., North Carolina State University Thursday, January 31, 1:00 – 2:30 PM, Cremona 102, Seattle Pacific University Register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/scaleup How do you promote active learning in a large classroom? Can students practice communication and teamwork skills in a large class? How do you boost the performance of […]
The SCALE-UP Project: Student-Centered Active Learning Environments with Upside-down Pedagogies
You are invited to attend a presentation by: Robert J. Beichner, Ph.D., North Carolina State University Thursday, January 31, 1:00 – 2:30 PM, Cremona 102, Seattle Pacific University Register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/scaleup How do you promote active learning in a large classroom? Can students practice communication and teamwork skills in a large class? How do you boost the performance of […]
Google+ as a Tool for Collaborative Learning
Emerging Technology in Online Learning Symposium Las Vegas, NV. July 26, 2012 Lead Presenter: Karissa Locke (Google, US) Tess Milligan (Google, US) Mark Green (Simpson College, US) David Wicks (Seattle Pacific University, US) Courtney Step (Seattle Pacific University, US) Kami Cottrell (Seattle Pacific University, US) Abstract: Hear from professors and students pioneering the use of […]
Does Space Matter?
Space Matters: The Impact of Active Learning Classrooms Interactive Lecture wit D. Christopher Brooks, Ph.D. Tuesday, December 11, Noon – 1:30 PM Cremona 101, Seattle Pacific University Register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/spacematters D. Christopher Brooks is a Research Fellow in Educational Technology Services at the University of Minnesota. He earned his doctorate in Political Science with a minor in Russian and […]