During the Residency Teacher Certification program you will be asked to document evidence of your good work and the good work of your students. To accomplish this, you will set up and maintain a blog. A blog is an online journaling tool that includes links to other media (or artifacts) such as documents, images, and video. During this program your blog will be referred to as a bPortfolio. Here are several examples of other students’ bPortfolios.
Jordan Swain – Art
Lauren Hamilton – Math & Science
Heidi Ruff – Elementary
Here are four steps you can follow to set up your bPortfolio. These steps are specifically for students in the Residency Teacher Certification Program.
- Review the portfolios listed above.
What is similar about each of them? What is different? - Create your own portfolio. (Allow several hours to complete this step.)
Go to http://spurescert.wordpress.com. This is a blog that explains how to set up your bPortfolio. Scroll to the bottom of the blog and start with the post titled Sign Up with WordPress. Read and follow the instructions for each post working your way from the bottom to the top. When you finish with the post titled A bit of Review you can come back here and move to Step 3. - Review the bPortfolio Checklist
Open the bPortfolio Checklist and be ready to refer to it in Step 4. This checklist is included in the Residency Teacher Certification Handbook and can be found on the School of Education website. - Watch this playlist of 7 bPortfolio workshop videos (Allow 30-45 minutes to complete this step.)
This will help you make sure that your bPortfolio is ready for use in the Residency Teacher Certification Program.