What should instructors do when students ask about the role of games in online learning? Teach a gamified course? Yeah, right. During this session participants will learn about successes and challenges experienced by a game-based learning newb through the gamification of a blended online course.
Posts with the blended learning tag
An investigation into the community of inquiry of blended classrooms by a Faculty Learning Community
A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) comprised of six professors representing different disciplines came together to study, develop, and teach blended learning courses. As an FLC, the researchers sought to evaluate student per- ceptions of the blended learning courses, measured using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) survey, and how these differed across the courses taught. In […]
Increasing teaching presence in online, blended, and f2f learning
Demand for both effectiveness and flexibility in the delivery of course material becomes increasingly complex as the student population changes and as courses incorporate more online components. Instructors can use Camtasia Relay to easily record lecture material and make screencasts available to students anytime, in multiple formats (design). Instructors can increase teaching presence through recorded […]
What I tweeted about in 2011
Here is a tag cloud created with Tagxedo showing what I tweeted about in 2011. My Twitter handle is dwicksspu. I shared lots of links using the hashtag #mlearning as I prepared for several presentations on mobile learning. My role as co-chair of the MacLearning.org Steering Committee had me frequently using the tag #maclearning and the […]